Macfrut 2025: what biosolutions for quality peaches?
International congress with experiences from all over the world scheduled at Riminifiera, from 6 to 8 May

“What biosolutions for quality peaches?”. This is the theme at the center of the International Congress scheduled for the next edition of Macfrut, the international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable supply chain, scheduled from Tuesday 6 to Thursday 8 May 2025. The conference is an integral part of the Biosolutions International Event (Bie), the exhibition dedicated to natural products for plant defense, nutrition and biostimulation, coordinated by Agri2000 Net together with Macfrut.
Two key points of the international conference, on the agenda for the second day of the fair (Wednesday 7 May): the market needs of peaches in Italy and around the world; emerging issues with the related innovative biosolutions for profitable and sustainable peach farming. The event will be held in the morning (starting at 10:30) in two sessions, introduced and moderated by Ciro Lazzarin of Agri2000 Net. Ugo Palara , agricultural director of Agrintesa, and Carmelo Mennone , research manager at Alsia Basilicata, will speak on the peach market and issues. This will be followed by two international case histories. The next session of the conference is dedicated to interventions on innovative biosolutions. The conclusions will be given by Davide Neri , director of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences of the Polytechnic University of Marche. Participation in the Congress is free upon registration to the event at the following link:
“We have focused on the peach tree because it represents well the changes in the sector over the last few years, both in terms of production and phytosanitary aspects,” explains Roberto Sciolino , of Agri2000 Net, coordinator of Bie. “Despite the progressive erosion of the surfaces, our country remains in second place in production in Europe and third in terms of quantities of peaches and nectarines in the world, preceded by China and Spain. The challenge that the sector faces is that of a product renewal in the name of quality, which is at the same time sustainable and capable of responding to increasingly pressing phytosanitary problems. These are issues that will be addressed precisely during the International Congress in the presence of the world's leading experts on the subject.”
The International Congress is a fundamental part of the Biosolutions International Event, a show that deals with the topic of biosolutions in its entirety, so much so that it has established itself as the most important in southern Europe. During the three days at the fair it will be possible to find: an exhibition area with about 70 companies in the central South Hall; Biosolutions Innovation Award, recognition for innovative products; Technical Tables reserved for exhibitors and sponsors; meetings with Foreign Buyers of Biosolutions for all exhibitors.
EFA News - European Food Agency