Soresina dairy, 125 years of constant growth
Grana Padano’s first producer celebrates with spectacular figures

Year 2024 closed with a consolidated group of 600 million euros. The export turnover grew to 141 million
Latteria Soresina, the largest first-class cooperative in the world of Italian dairy products, the leading producer of Grana Padano, celebrated its 125 years of history, with an event that took place at the Teatro Ponchielli in Cremona, attended by the minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, and the Councillor for Agriculture, Alessandro Beduschi, the Confcooperative chairman, Maurizio Gardini, and the heads of Grana Padano, from president Renato Zaghini to general manager Stefano Berni.
The evening, dedicated to members, employees and representatives of primary local and national institutions, was an opportunity to retrace the most significant stages in the history of the cooperative, highlighting the deep link with the territory, Its values and vision for the future. The data shown were striking: Latteria Soresina, in 2000 recorded a turnover of 80 million Euros and in 2024 closed a consolidated group of about 600 million Euros. The export turnover, which in 2000 was less than 10 million Euros, grew to 141 million Euro in 2024.
The number of contributing members also increased during the same period, both in terms of livestock, which rose from 21,650 to 46,000 (+112%) on average per member, and in terms of quintal/year of milk delivered, which rose from 8,700 in 2000 to over 27,000 in 2023 (+218%). The number of employees has increased from 251 to 620, and more than 150 external staff are now employed. The price of milk liquidated in the last 13 years by Latteria Soresina was on average 9.2% higher than market.
"This anniversary is not only a historic milestone, but also a starting point for the future -explains the president of Latteria Soresina Tiziano Fusar Poli-. It is a time to celebrate the work of all those who have contributed to the success of our cooperative: from the members who carry on the dairy traditions, to the employees who guarantee the quality of our products every day, to consumers who choose us with confidence".
In his speech, Michele Falzetta, director general, stressed the importance of an innovative approach to business management in this last decade of continuous market changes, The cross-functional involvement of all employees and their determination to evolve by seizing opportunities such as digital transformation, ecological transition. "In a market that is constantly changing from the point of view of consumption, technologies and business models, strategic thinking must always be at the top of the list , said Falzetta.
"Latteria Soresina -commented the president of the dairy sector of Fedagripesca Confcooperative Giovanni Guarneri, also present at the ceremony- is an extraordinary cooperative reality and with an important history, which is based on solid value references. A cooperative that has brought such wealth to the territory and that has grown in Italy and around the world with far-sighted decisions and constant attention to its membership base and the well-being of its territory".
EFA News - European Food Agency