Macfrut: mission in Mali
It will be present at the 2025 edition with a delegation of 85 operators

New focus on the African continent for Macfrut, the international fruit and vegetable supply chain fair (6-8 May 2025 – Rimini Expo Centre). The mission involved Mali, the eighth largest state in Africa, with a population of over 21 million inhabitants. The mission, carried out with the support of the Italian ambassador Stefano Dejak , was attended by the president of Macfrut Renzo Piraccini , together with Stefano Posillico , product manager of Gruppo Orsero, one of the most important European importers and distributors of tropical fruit, with the aim of creating commercial partnerships between Italian companies and Malian exporters. The visit included B2B meetings, visits to local companies, and packaging and storage infrastructures.
Mali is the most important mango producer in Africa, with a production of around 800 thousand tons, of which only 11 thousand are destined for export. The potential is therefore enormous even if the distance from the port of embarkation of refrigerated containers (Abidjan or Dakar) and the lack of an efficient cold chain are the most important problems that prevent the development of exports of this product. In this context, a project has been launched to support Malian companies to increase mango exports, financed by Aics (Italian Agency for Development Cooperation) and managed by Ilo (United Nations agency), which saw the light at Macfrut in 2019, and which is entering the operational phase.
"This mission explains very well what Macfrut is", says President Renzo Piraccini . "It is not just an event during the three days of the fair, but rather a journey with exhibitors throughout the entire year to promote their business and networking, two of the key words of Macfrut. The confirmation of Mali also in the next edition of Macfrut, with an even greater presence with 50 exhibitors and a total delegation of 85 operators (including 15 buyers for Fieravicola), is a clear signal that numerous states on the African continent have chosen this fair for the peculiarity of its format, unique in the panorama of international trade fairs in the sector".
EFA News - European Food Agency