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Versalis launches new plant for recycled plastic

The chemical company Eni will produce in Porto Marghera 20 thousand tons/year of polystyrene useful for packaging

Versalis, the chemical company of Eni, has announced the start-up of a new plant in Porto Marghera (Venice) for the production of plastics from mechanically recycled raw materials. The plant is capable of producing up to 20,000 tons per year of polystyrene crystal (r-GPPS) and expandable polystyrene (r-EPS), using second raw material (MPS) from recycled waste of expanded polystyrene (EPS) and meeting the growing demand for more environmentally sustainable solutions in various industrial and commercial sectors. The products obtained from the new plant are part of the Versalis Revive range dedicated to mechanical recycling products, and contain from 35% up to 100% post-consumer recycled plastics: These materials are mainly intended for the packaging and construction sectors, with applications such as building insulation panels and packaging for household appliances. 

"The new plant at Porto Marghera represents a first step in the reconversion of the Venetian petrochemical industry, in line with the transformation and relaunch plan of Versalis that was recently signed by the ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy. In Porto Marghera -emphasizes Adriano Alfani, managing director of Versalis- we plan to make further investment steps to increase the mechanical recycling platform of plastics and to consolidate and enhance the logistics hub, including the cryogenic storage for ethylene". 

The project not only represents a concrete response to the structural crisis affecting the European chemical industry, but also strengthens Versalis' product portfolio by improving its competitiveness in the market: the geographical position of the industrial site, close to the European markets and other Versalis facilities in Mantova, Ferrara and Ravenna, also allows efficient logistics for raw materials and finished products.

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